Friday, September 13, 2013

Syria Crises

Syria's effort to get the international chemical weapons control are beginning to avoid military attack Moscow. four step formula that the u.s. and Russia's top diplomats began talks in Geneva on Thursday between.

Syria's President Bashar Al-Assad, on the other hand, said that the u.s. threat to hand over weapons because of Russia. in Geneva, US Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on Thursday met leaders of both the four-tier formula negotiated will expire on Friday. it can be extended to Saturday.

The first phase under the formula Syria ' organisation for the prohibishan of chemical vipans [OPCW] will include the second phase of chemical weapons to Damascus. location will tell about it will tell where these weapons are also prepared. the third step in the OPCW inspectors in Syria would be allowed to check chemical weapons. in collaboration with the final stage in the inspectors will decide how they Lavrov said that blasting is still likely in Syria. the world community should not squander its opportunity.

On the other hand, a senior US official said that his country will insist on the fact that Syria renounced chemical weapons to serious measures rapidly. Meanwhile, a media report said that the US intelligence agency CIA has started to provide arms to the Syrian rebels ., On the other hand, France's Foreign Minister said Syria Lauren phaibiyas in examining the use of chemical weapons to UN team continues his report on Monday. the civil war in Syria on a Commission of the United Nations report accused Assad's forces were outraged. it says that forces a retrial in May two. one of these 450 people were killed.

U.s. warships in the Mediterranean is completely deployed, the command will process only to see Syria. Top Navy official. Navy Secretary Ray mabuse said I can give full guarantee that if we ordered the attack, we will as soon as possible and to take action.