Wednesday, January 23, 2013

emotional attachment

Most people embrace their emotional attachment to embrace on the advantages of the other do.. this memory and stress reduction also plays the role as a research basis claim scientists. pm.

According to the daily mail newspaper at the University of Vienna, research scientists found that when a person is a friend that his embrace of aksitosin hormone in the blood flow to the blood pressure., reduces stress and improves memory. scientists said, is a large part of social behaviour aksitosin. it parents, childrenIn the couple in taxes. women childbirth and breastfeeding schedule is in effect this hormone and MAA with ties strong. researchers said, when someone does them an embrace of sympathy loved ones.

It has only a positive impact when people trust each other and feel each other's emotions across. nyurophijiyolajist jugen sendakular, people who don't know each other and do not wish to embrace the embrace is no effect without a stranger or acquaintance will our embrace but also by aksitosin hormone active. in contrast to increases our stress levels. " Said, is how long does embrace good who embrace aksitosin it doesn't affect on the effect on each other just..