Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Ship Dipped

Papua New Guinea has nearly 350 passengers on the North coast on Thursday taking a ship sank in the crash killed many people.
Australian PM gillard said that Papua New Guinea is a ship sank off the coast of the nearly 350 passengers were gillard said it accident.. a shipping official said rescue personnel has so far saved people from 28. rescue mission coordinator Captain n. Rahman said the 28 people on a ferry afloat. He said that the Australian authorities to help in the rescue operation to four commercial ships. Rahman said on the spot that the disappearance of 350 people so I can not confirm nor deny do.
Papua New Guinea's national shipping safety authority [NMSA] said Thursday morning at six in the middle of the vessel MV rabaul Queen combi and Lai being a sign of crisis he was sent.
Gillard said the US was asked to provide assistance to PNG and we have sent help.