Sunday, June 3, 2012


Search for life on other planets the scientists a success about the presence of them allen is no sign of khagolshastriyon by gliij. Australia-581 name stars of intensive study.

In recent years in search of planets outside the solar system very carefully in the direction of. khagolshastriyon estimate that each of the strings in timtimane an average of 1.6 planets. it implies that the number of planets in the millions, but still did not confirm. Although there is recognition of the stars whose planet Rocky has no temperature here.Water here, too.. Express also likely gliij-581 20 light years away from Earth star has two of these six are the planet is considered to be the residence of the man are due to Australia's conditions of International Centre for radio astronomy research curtain University khagolshastriyon in the direction of studiesBut life on the planets of the stars gliij-581. no report has been published in the Astronomical Journal khagolshastriyon.